AYS Before & After School Now Enrolling for 2024-2025!

AYS Before & After School Now Enrolling for 2024-2025!
At Your School (AYS) will provide before and after school programs for all Plainfield elementary schools (Brentwood, Central, Clarks Creek, Guilford, and Van Buren) during the 2024-2025 school year.
AYS has specialized in creating accessible, reliable, and enriching programs for students and families to thrive beyond the school day for over 40 years. These programs focus on Health, Literacy, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math), and Social Enrichment and include homework support, enrichment activities, active play, and healthy snacks.
Learn more about AYS and enroll for 2024-2025 today at www.ayskids.org/after-school-2025!

Additional Info
Media Contact : info@ayskids.org
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